EP 101 Super Mom, Running while Expecting - ALEX @ms.tom_morrow


In this podcast episode, Host Morgan and Guest Alex discuss Alex's experience running in the runDisney event while pregnant. Alex shares that she participated in the 5K race with her sister, which was special as it allowed them to spend time together before her life changes with the arrival of her baby. They also mention that Alex's sister registered for the Wine and Dine race later that year. They discuss Alex's decision to take a break from the Dopey Challenge, a series of races within the runDisney event, but she plans to run with her sister for another race. Alex mentions that marathon training is more challenging and time-consuming compared to shorter races.

Alex talks about her experience running the 10K race and how she started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions during the race. She stopped and took a break to manage the discomfort but eventually continued and finished the race feeling better. She later confirmed with her doctor that the contractions were Braxton Hicks, which are normal during pregnancy. Alex reflects on the mental challenges she faced during the race and her tendency to worry about worst-case scenarios.

They discuss Alex's costume for the 10K race, where she dressed as Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast. She explains that she wanted to embody a pregnant character and decided on Mrs. Potts, with her son represented as Chip. They mention that Alex didn't yet know the gender of her baby at that time. They celebrate her costume choice and its sentimental meaning.

The conversation moves on to the half marathon race, where Alex experienced Braxton Hicks contractions again, even before starting the race. She communicates with her friend Kayla about her pain and receives support from her. Alex emphasizes the importance of mental strength during the race and adjusting her expectations due to her pregnancy. She decides to focus on finishing the race safely rather than stopping for character photos and other attractions. Alex mentions that the weather, with fog and no direct sun, helped her during the race. She finishes the half marathon with a comfortable and cool experience, except for the last mile, which became hot.

Overall, the podcast episode highlights Alex's runDisney experience while pregnant, her challenges with Braxton Hicks contractions, and her approach to running and adjusting expectations during pregnancy. They also discuss her costumes and the emotional significance behind them.